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WELCOME to the IIASA Runners Club

The IIASA Runners Club is an IIASA staff initiative with the aim to bring people together who enjoy running, seek for like-minded ones or just wish to be informed about running activities.

We believe that bringing people together through sports activities motivates to actually do sports and encourages to work towards a better work-life balance. For newcomers it is an easy way to get to know people and to get more integrated. For longer term staff members it is a good way of mingling with newcomers and get some fresh air.

IIASA as an institute supports this activity because of that and provides an annual budget to cover registration fees for a number of events planned in the beginning of each year. The Runners Club holds regular meetings to discuss the planned events and any other suggestions with its members.

Furthermore, bringing staff members together at big events in Vienna and other bigger cities will help IIASA to increase its visibility. As a member of the Runners Club you can support this in a very comfortable way. Every Runners Club member participating in a running-event will get a free IIASA Runners t-shirt.

Become a member and encourage others to join!

List current Runners Club members

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Night Run 2017

26th September

Registration now open until 14th September. (Martina/Reception)



Geneva Marathon 7th May

Congratulations to Anneke on yet another sub-4 hour performance at the Geneva marathon!



Vienna City Marathon 23rd April 2017

Congratulations to all those IIASA colleagues who competed successfully in the Vienna events.


Running Technique Training

Running training sessions are organized once a week with a personal trainer in the Schlosspark. The training is held in small groups during lunch or after work and only until October – for more info contact Anu korosuo@iiasa.ac.at


Are you looking for some new and exciting running trails?

Visit this website and get some insights !




“♪ And I will run five hundred miles ♫ and I will run five hundred more ♪ ”




Did you know that "Adding a little dark chocolate to a training diet may effortlessly improve endurance performance, according to a new study of sports nutrition"

Read more here: 




past events

LCC  16. International Vienna Team Run, 22/06/17

results »

Mödling Altstadt Adventlauf, 27/11/16

 IIASA Runners at Adventlauf

results »

Vienna Night Run, 27/09/16

Vienna Night Run 2016 - IIASA teams

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Vienna Business Run, 08/09/16

15 motivated IIASA runners took part in this event and had very good results. All those who participated last year have improved their times! That's the way to go Smile

Business Run 2016

results »

upcoming events

 Save the date!!!!!!

26th September 2017

Vienna Night Run

5 km run around the Ringstrasse



IIASA Relay: Tuesday 8th August 2017, 17:30

Laxenburg Park.

Teams of 3, each runs approx. 1 mile.


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